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October 2020

Another offshore clean completed, but this time we worked off the client’s vessel!  This was at the request of the client and as per usual Bay Underwater Services NZ Ltd tried to look outside of the box to work with our clients and come up with solutions that will work.  Our team completed comprehensive Health & Safety assessments and paperwork before any diving operations were undertaken.  ...

October 31, 2020

September 2020

Another offshore vessel cleaning operation undertaken 12 nautical miles offshore.  MPI requests that we complete these vessel cleaning operations so far out at sea so that we can ensure that the bio fouling does not make it into New Zealand waters.  The cleaning operations are undertaken using a variety of methods including using a hull scrubbing machine, hand scrappers and a water blaster.  A report of the cleaned areas is then sent to MPI and the vessel remains offshore until MP...

September 30, 2020

August 2020

Queenstown - Pipeline Inspection...

August 12, 2020

July 2020

It has been a mammoth job for our dedicated team but the 15 containers are all packed and on their way to the beautiful paradise of Niue.  The amount of gear that gets packed for a job like this is mind boggling and we cannot afford to forget anything!  Lots of the containers are full of cement that will be used on the wharf repairs.  Before this project can start there is a lot of paperwork being done behind the scene with the travel side of things and then its two weeks in isola...

July 6, 2020

June 2020

Another pre-approval certificate done and dusted!  We hold lots of preapprovals with companies like this, and it is a great way to ensure that we are continually checking our systems and audits are in place to ensure we are always keeping on top of things.  Our Health & Safety systems are living documents that can grow and change as the business and our environment needs it too.  All the while still ensuring that we meet industry standards, legal requirements and client expectatio...

June 3, 2020

May 2020

Our team are getting ready to head back to Oamaru to continue work on the historic wharf.  This project (like many) was delayed due to COVID19, but our team cant wait to get back to this beautiful town and continue on with this work.  The wharf was originally built in 1907 – so it has stood the test of time well considering the battering it would have received from the sea during this time.  However it is now time to preserve this great local feature, and ensure that the local r...

May 1, 2020

April 2020

This month we have completed our major audit with IMSM to ensure we have a seamless continuation of our current ISO certificates.  The ISO policies allow us to show our clients that we have the following certifications in place. ISO 45001:2018 – Occupational Health & Safety Management SystemsISO 9001:2015 – Quality Management SystemsISO 14001: 2015 – Environmental Management SystemsPAS99:20012 – Integrated Management System...

April 1, 2020

March 2020

Although this happened a few months ago it is worth giving it some space on our website page.  When you think you have had a bad day at the office – think about this job.  Our diver has to enter into a raw sewerage pond to complete some maintenance at the bottom of the pond.  The diver wears a full contamination suit and all divers on the team have had the appropriate injections to keep them safe.  The diver is sprayed down on his exit from the water to ensure he is not car...

March 1, 2020

February 2020

Work on the Historic Holmes wharf continues as our dive team place mesh and then casings around the 80 severely deteriorated piles and fill the casings with concrete to re-strengthen the piles.  This along with replacement of some of the topside decking (also done by our team) will go a long way in ensuring this local icon remains usable for the people of Oamaru.  The historic wharf is under the control of the Waitaki District Council and was first constructed in 1907 so is a local ide...

February 1, 2020

December 2019

Back from a Christmas break and straight into the deep end... literally!  This diver finds himself back in the 'office' between the Christmas, and New Year break to complete an offshore vessel inspection.  Our comapny works 365 days of the year - 24 hours a day to meet the needs of our many international clients.  ...

December 30, 2019

November 2019

Another successful ship inspection completed for MPI clearance.  These vessels are cleaned 12 nautical miles offshore in order to preserve the beautiful waters of New Zealand.  It is a demanding job to that gets completed in a changing environment.  The dive supervisor makes the final decision whether the dive team will enter the water and complete the task.  Depending on the condition of the hull as to the duration of the job.  The weather plays a huge part in this as w...

November 29, 2019

October 2019

We have now achieved our 5th Class approval to allow us to complete in-water surveys.  To date we have approvals with the following Class Survey companies: ABSLloydsCLass NKDNV GLBureau VeritasObtaining these class approvals is a lengthy task and requires a substantial office audit of all of our systems and procedueres, and then an onsite visit when an in-water inspection is being completed.  These class organisations are world wide so it is a testiment to the great team we have both i...

October 15, 2019

September 2019

Our team are working in the South Island on a pile refurbishment project again.  These lovely old wharves have been around for many many years and would have a tale or two to tell if they could!  However the harsh marine environment is taking its toll on these structures and it is time for a refurbishment.  Our team are casing the piles (including mesh) and then pouring concrete into the casing.  This is giving the tired old piles a new lease of life and will allow them to co...

September 20, 2019 Posts 26-38 of 38 | Page prev